Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
A minister of Holy Communion is one who distributes the Eucharist either within or outside the celebration of the Mass. Ordinarily, the priest is the minister. However, when there are large numbers of people receiving Communion, various lay ministers assist. Training sessions are held for new ministers. If you wish to become a Minister of Holy Communion, please speak with the Pastor or call the parish office.
Lectors proclaim Old and New Testament passages from the Bible during Mass. If you have good speaking skills and would like to become a lector, please contact the parish office.
Altar Servers:
Altar Servers play an essential role in enhancing the dignity and grace of the liturgy. They lead the entrance and recessional processions and assist Father during Mass. Servers may begin after they have made their First Communion, and continue through high school. We also need adult altar servers to help with funerals. For more information, contact the parish office. We are always in need of altar servers. There is an instructional class given to all new servers.
Greeters play an essential role in welcoming all, parishioners and vistors, to our Sunday Masses. For more information on becoming a greeter, please contact the parish office.